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Wednesday 24 December 2008, AM

Radio Labs in 2008

It's about that time for an end of year review, so here's how 2008 went for Radio Labs. I started off in January writing about our 10 percent time scheme which allows our team use 10 of their time to do their own work-related projects. The team have certainly impressed me with how many ideas they have and how many of them they actually build as well. - link

Can technology keep television relevant in the digital era?

One reason could be because technology is giving viewers clear alternatives to scheduled programming. NBC declared this year's Olympics the most-viewed event in television history, with the 17-day coverage attracting 86 of US television viewing households, or 214 million viewers. Events related to the presidential election also attracted a huge amount of viewers. - link
Tuesday 23 December 2008, PM

Media Talk on The Guardian -

He saw it as a straight ad for BBC viewers and listeners to go out and buy a DAB digital radio. The BBC is not promoting a particular brand of radio - they're promoting the format. That's not surprising since they broadcast in the format and have a national DAB multiplex. - link

Will viewers choose their own running order? BBC - Journalism Labs - blog

Historically FMT Journalism has focused primarily onweb development. The reasons for this are many and none of them are any of my business but it is odd, because the first experiments that BBC News made with 'On Demand' started in the early 1970s and they were on television sets. The principle is relatively simple, take some text Journalists with access to agency feeds and ask them to write short news stories. - link

Is Channel 4 heading towards oblivion? - TV Radio, Media - The Independent

Instead of enjoying a preferential place as one of a select group of universally available broadcasters, Channel 4 has to compete with an unruly mob of digital upstarts. Commercial revenues are predicted to fall between five and 10 per cent next year, and Channel 4's own predictions put the annual deficit at 150m by 2012. That shortfall is the cause of great concern for both Channel 4 and the Government, which sees the broadcaster as a crucial balance to the BBC's establishment voice. - link

Dramas cant match TV reality, says Grade - TV Radio, Media - The Independent

From Brideshead Revisited to Cranford, Britain's sumptuous TV dramas are renowned around the world as examples of broadcasting brilliance. The key to good drama is originality, storytelling, adventurism, reaching out to audiences and that isn't being done. In this context Michael Grade is indulging in a bit of spin ... - link

Last rites for Christmas TV? - TV Radio, Media - The Independent

With the onset of catch-up TV over the internet and on-demand services from companies such as Virgin Media, the next generation of Freeview is in the works to dramatically boost the service to households across the country. After a few initial hiccups, its traffic has leapt 14 times in the past year, and has had nearly 252 million requests for programmes. This is part of a wider trend that has seen traffic to video sites jump 48 per cent in the past year. - link

BetaNews | Internet radio interoperability group to launch at CES

At CES next month, a new organization formed to promote interoperability across media devices will get off the ground -- and by that, they mean a way to get podcasts and streaming content to work on multiple device platforms. Initially formed earlier this year at the Interent Radio Summit, the group is spearheaded by radio broadcasters, content providers, and technology specialists in the area of Internet radio. Registration to attend the group's first general meeting is available on the IMDA's Web site. - link

iPlayer subtitles increase: our early Christmas present to hard of hearing people

As the person responsible for ensuring that iPlayer is giving the best experience it can to disabled audiences, I thought it would be worth looking back at how far we've come this year in the provision of subtitles for the service. It took until 1986 for us to subtitle our first live programme an episode of Blue Peter, with the subtitling of news programmes following in 1990. Well, back when I started my role in February, the situation didn't look good - subtitles had been suspended from the iPlayer launch in December 2007 because a robust subtitling solution wasn't ready for launch. - link

Please Wait... - BBCi Labs

However due to the way our service has to be structured, it's an unfortunate necessity. BBC Red Button has a chunk of space on each of those transponders which enables us to have a service alongside the TV channel - so that when you press red you don't need to leave the channel you're watching. Our video services too also sit in another transponder to the TV channel. - link

Metronic Sat HD 100 review from TechRadars expert reviews of Digital TV recorders

Simple styling Aesthetically, the Metronic doesn't deviate too far from its Freesat siblings its all-black stylings and diminutive size fall in line with boxes from Grundig and Bush. There's no CI slot this is strictly FTA. This can be used to install software updates from a flash drive also achievable via satellite and adds the bonus of multimedia playback, although chunky drives can be a tight fit. - link

Top of the blogs for 2008 - blog - James Cridland

- link
Tuesday 23 December 2008, AM

Television 2008 quiz |Culture |The Guardian

Who has replaced Nicky Hambleton-Jones as presenter of 10 Years Younger a child prodigy, traumatised mute and all-round weirdo River Tam on the good ship Serenity a Transformer a seasonal eye infection 3. Which TV news show presenter appeared in several issues of Spider Man comic this year, lambasting Peter Parker for being a bleeding-heart liberal - link
Monday 22 December 2008, PM

Review of the year in media |Media |The Guardian

It made several apologies during 2008, whether for showing 12 hours of sport or because the Doctor Who actor John Barrowman got his wanger out on radio. Dawn Airey wasn't especially sorry when she jumped job for the second time in 12 months, leaving ITV for Five, but there were a lot of sorry newspaper journalists, casualties of the credit crunch. News at Ten returns to the airwaves but sets the tone for the rest of the year by promptly losing out to BBC1's rival bulletin in the ratings on its debut and never recovering. - link
Saturday 20 December 2008, AM

TV killed the Movie

home networking to branch out The number of U.S. online households with home networks should quadruple by 2008, a report says, as consumers expand networks to include entertainment gear and appliances. - link

Channel 4s targeting of BBC Worldwide assets is bold and, potentially, brilliant |Media |

Johnson, remember, was effectively chosen by Ofcom's former chief executive Stephen Carter and soon-to-depart chairman Lord Currie in a bid to sort out Channel 4's financial vulnerability the fact it feels too small, and is too dependent on programmes commissioned from independent suppliers to thrive as a public service broadcaster. So far, most attempts at self-help, while trying to be a mini BBC, have rather blown up in Channel 4's face. The 28m spent on buying into the former Emap music channels last year has generated some cash, but distracted managers. - link

Buying an HD TV? Don't wait!

- link

Switch to digital radio could happen in 2017 - TV Radio, Media - The Independent

The UK could make the switch from analogue to digital radio as early as 2017 according to a Government-commissioned group's report today. The group singled out criteria which must be met to trigger this being able to happen, including at least 50 per cent of total radio listening taking place on digital platforms. In the UK, 31.4 per cent of adults listen every week on digital, which gives digital platforms a total share of radio listening of 18.7 per cent, according to figures from radio body Rajar. - link

Protecting consumers from unfair small print charges | Ofcom

Independent regulator and competition authority for the UK communications industries. 4G auction bidders announced December 20, 2012 Ofcom has today announced the bidders in the forthcoming 4G mobile spectrum auction the largest ever sale of mobile airwaves in the UK. npower fined for making abandoned calls December 6, 2012 The conclusion of an Ofcom investigation has today found npower, the gas and electricity supplier, to be in breach of rules on abandoned calls. - link

Sky ditches its free deal |Money |The Guardian

Until now, Sky has offered its highly-regarded but basic broadband package 2Mb/s to any customer paying for one of its satellite TV packages. From 1 March, Sky will impose a 5-a -month charge for all customers that do not take Sky Talk - although most do, as it covers unlimited calls. Those taking its Mid or Max broadband will also pay another 5 a month if they do not take Sky Talk. - link
Friday 19 December 2008, PM

Digital Radio Working Group: Final Report

This snapshot, taken on 12/05/2010, shows web content acquired for preservation by The National Archives. External links, forms and search may not work in archived websites and contact details are likely to be out of date. The UK Government Web Archive does not use cookies but some may be left in your browser from archived websites. - link
Friday 19 December 2008, AM

BBC introduces CBBC iPlayer, plus beta Mac and Linux downloads |Media |

The BBC has already set up a password-protected parental guidance lock that prevents children watching unsuitable on the standard iPlayer. It was just over one year ago, on 13 December 2007, that the BBC introduced an expanded version of the web TV catch up service that offered programmes via streaming rather than downloading. The BBC Trust had decided that the iPlayer should be limited to downloads within seven days of broadcast that could be watched for up to 30 days, which meant that digital rights management had to be used to control downloaded content. - link

Putting a price on Canvas

18 December, 2008 By Kate Bulkley Broadband-connected Freeview is a huge step forward - at a cost. It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. - link

Panasonic LZD81 Freesat TV is better than the PZ81 - Which? News

Campaigns Making consumers as powerful as the organisations they deal with. Consumer Rights Your essential guide to consumer rights and what to do if things go wrong. Conversation Want to comment on burning consumer issues of the day - link
Thursday 18 December 2008, PM

How to get BBC iPlayer on the Mac working - blog - James Cridland

- link

BBC Media Show: 17 December 2008 link

BBC NEWS | Technology | BBC iPlayer now available on Mac

The two systems, which have been able to stream BBC programmes via the iPlayer for a year, will now be able to handle downloads. Lab edition The iPlayer is the BBC's online media player that lets viewers stream programmes for up to seven days after broadcast or download and watch them for up to 30 days. In early 2008 ISPs complained that the popularity of the iPlayer was putting a strain on their networks and forcing up their costs. - link

BSkyB - no business will be immune to challenges of 2009 - Telegraph

The company has said that it did not expect to lose customers to Freeview - and that it was on track to reach its target of 10m subscribers by the end of next year. In the three-month period to September 30, the number of homes with Sky services passed the 9m mark for the first time, with customer growth 87,000 in the period, up 5pc year on year. Neil Berkett, chief executive of competitor Virgin Media, predicted in November that take-up of pay-TV services would slow over the course of 2009. - link

Media Talk: Here Today, fired tomorrow link

BetaNews | Nationwide DTV test hits snags with Comcast, Dish

Yesterday, local TV stations in 42 states and DC participated in the first nationwide digital television consumer readiness test. Broadcasters turned off their analog signals some time between 500 and 700 pm ET. Aside from some noteworthy exceptions, the results so far seem largely favorable. - link
Thursday 18 December 2008, AM

Ofcom names new chairman

It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. - link

Live Bingo from Netplay

- link

Channelling anger felt by Peebles residents - Borders Today

- link
Tuesday 16 December 2008, AM

Zattoo streaming Freeview TV in full quality for Christmas | Electricpig

December 16, 2008 933 am You might remember Zattoo from earlier in the year. It caused a fuss when it started streaming Freeview channels online absolutely free. Despite some protests from broadcasters, its still running and just upgraded its quality for Christmas too. - link

Jeff Randall Live: BBC Director General Mark Thompson Defends Licence Fee | Business | Sky News

The Director General defended the annual 139.50 charge, saying it helps maintain the high quality of shows at a time when the rest of the broadcast sector is struggling. He pointed out that the current settlement, which runs until 2012, is currently 2.5 to 3 below inflation. Mr Thompson explained the corporation has been forced to take on extra responsibilities, such as funding schemes to ensure disadvantaged groups are not left behind in the digital switchover. - link
Monday 15 December 2008, PM

ShareCast - News you can use

The ShareCast news service is operated by Digital Look Ltd. Republication or redistribution of Digital Look Ltd content, including by caching, framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Digital Look Ltd. - link

Ofcom to kick off local TV spectrum sale

It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. - link

BBC drops licence fee direct mail firm

It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. - link
Monday 15 December 2008, AM

Freeview HD by 2010: Ofcoms plans explained | News | TechRadar UK

When Ofcom went back and showed people HD, hi-def was a lot more popular. It's fair to say that extra SD channels and more local TV were also popular, but Ofcom had ignored those, too. The Digital Dividend will still provide a windfall before the next election but one of the six existing Freeview multiplexes will be cleared for high-definition TV channels. - link

NetPlay gets licence to operate Freeview channel| Industries| Financial Services Real Estate| Reuters

The company had previously bought spare capacity on the Freeview platform from other broadcasters such as Virgin and Nuts TV. NetPlay said Freeview is Britain's largest digital TV platform with more than 15.3 million users. At 0852 GMT, NetPlay shares were up 5.9 percent at 27 pence. - link

Channel 4 is losing in its public funding face-off with the BBC |Media |The Guardian

Channel 4 is campaigning for public cash - with the licence fee the most likely source - while the BBC is equally determined to stop the Horseferry Road hordes from getting their hands on it. Not only would it be complex to administer, but there would need to be separate governance measures to hold any recipients accountable for public funding. Do we really want to see Channel 4 becoming BBC 5 - link
Friday 12 December 2008, PM

Macdonald rejects ITV plcs single brand call - Media news - Media Week

By law, the BBC must use independent producers for at least one quarter of all of its TV programme commissions. STV hopes that gaining independent status would boost its business and enable it to deliver more local content to Scottish viewers. - link

Digital television heads for the West Country (From Gazette Series)

Digital UK, the independent body in charge of the process, said nine out of 10 people in the region are already aware of the big switchover. The changes will see digital terrestrial television Freeview available to virtually every home in the area including, for the first time, more than 140,000 households served by local relay transmitters. When analogue signals are switched off and replaced with digital broadcasts, the number of free channels will increase from four to around 20. - link

How iPlayer will become our player for your friends |Technology |The Guardian

Pricier packages would allow you to download or stream as much BBC content as you want, and cheaper ones wouldn't - rather as already happens on the limited home broadband packages which charge per gigabyte beyond a given amount. The original iPlayer, launched in December 2007 after an extended period of public tests, came in two forms. The first uses a Windows-only peer-to-peer download system, and attracted complaints from users with Mac or Linux computers more than 16,000 people signed an electronic petition asking for a more open system. - link

Keep C4 safe, McCloud and Snow urge Ofcom

12 December, 2008 By Robin Parker Two of Channel 4's highest profile presenters have urged Ofcom to find a way of securing the broadcaster's future. It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. - link

Media Talk: The BBC rides to the rescue link
Friday 12 December 2008, AM

Digital Radio Working Group expected to predict digital radio switchover by 2020 |Media |

The body set up by the government to secure the future of digital radio in the UK is expected to predict next week that switchover for the medium could be completed by 2020. The various parties were brought together by the government to map out a timetable for digital radio, which has been beset by uncertainty over the future of one of its key methods of delivery, digital audio broadcasting DAB. This would reinforce the conclusions of the group's interim report, published in June, that recommended the establishment of a timetable for the migration of all UK radio from analogue to digital. - link

iPlayer has changed little for me -

home networking to branch out The number of U.S. online households with home networks should quadruple by 2008, a report says, as consumers expand networks to include entertainment gear and appliances. - link

BBC NEWS | Scotland | TV faces switch-over switch-off

The future of TV is a multi-channel digital world The station has been arguing that without some public funding, it will be unable to continue producing as many news and current affairs programmes in the future. Now we have a better idea of when the station will either need to be given public money or permission to cut its local output - something it insists it does not want to do. Historically, regulators were able to impose wide-ranging public service obligations on ITV stations - legal requirements to make programmes which weren't necessarily in the companies' business interests such as news and current affairs or children's programmes. - link

Spanish switchover to digital television (TDT) explained - The Euro Weekly News, Newspapers Online

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